Let life inspire you. No matter what happens, you can choose
To be inspired by it.
If you make a mistake, let it inspire you to be more careful
And diligent next time. When you're having a great time, let
It inspire you to create even more positive experiences.
Each time you see kindness, be inspired to pass it forward.
If you encounter deception or injustice, feel inspired to
Raise your world above it.
Anything can inspire you when you choose to let it. You can
Even be inspired for no reason at all.
Be inspired by the big accomplishments and by the small,
Simple moments as well. An inspired life is a life that's
Rich, and it's a life you can choose no matter what.
If there's a reason to be inspired or if there is not, be
Inspired. Bring your spirit fully to life, and raise your
Life to a higher, more enriching level.