Wednesday, March 9, 2011


This is the tattoo which I got recently. My first and the last. It's a dove and a heart, technically signifying love and peace. I am not gonna lie to you, it was painful. Took about 30 mins, got it done by this lady in an Orlando tattoo parlor. she was nice and very sweet knowing that it was my first but she (oh my gosh) was emblazoned with sooo many tattoos, it was freaking unbelievable. Got it done the day before my birthday! Many were and still are pretty surprised that I had actually got a tattoo but I really don't see it as a big deal. It was a fun experience and I don't think it makes me a rebel by getting one! I am lucky to have parents who were totally cool with it. Mom was just a little concerned about the safety of the ink and all that but otherwise she was cool. Dad just said your wish. Anna was envious that i got it before him! Boo!
This is the shop's myspace page. pretty cool store.!


  1. not just your Anna, I tell you.. BK, why last? and what's with your rebel theory? and OMG BK, I cannot believe you got a freakin' tattoo, whoa, I mean, damn it, ok, why did you say it's your last?

  2. Oh, did I mention it is awesome? :D :D
